Ace Military 1/72 3.7cm Flak 36 AA Gun w/SdAh52 Carriage Trailer Kit
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AMO-725703.7cm Flak 36 AA gun with Sd.Ah.52 Carriage trailer created in 1936 using the artillery part of the 3,7 cm Flak 18 and the new gun carriage. The weight of the system in the combat position was reduced to 1550 kg, and in the marching position - to 2400 kg. While maintaining the ballistic characteristics and rate of fire of the previous modification, the angles of the vertical pickup were increased from -8 to + 85 °. Weight loss was achieved mainly due to the transition to a new four-carriage with a detachable two-wheeled suspension motion. It was transported at speeds up to 50 km/h.