Trumpeter Military Models 1/16 German King Tiger Henschel & Porsche Turrets Tank (2 in 1) Kit
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TSM-910In early October 1942, plans for production of the VK 45.03 were reviewed,Initially two designs were provided, one by Henschel and one by Porsche. Both used a turret design from Krupp; the main differences were in the hull design, transmission and suspension.
The Henschel version used a conventional hull design with sloped armor resembling the layout of the Panther tank. It had a rear mounted engine and used nine overlapping road wheels per side, mounted on transverse torsion bars, in a similar manner to the original Tiger. To simplify maintenance, however, the wheels were overlapping rather than interleaved as in the Tiger.
Henschel won the contract, and all Tiger IIs were produced by the firm. Two turret designs were used in production vehicles. The initial design is sometimes misleadingly called the "Porsche turret" due to the belief that it was designed by Porsche for their prototype. In fact this turret was simply the initial Krupp design for both prototypes. This turret had a rounded front and steeply sloped sides, with a difficult-to-manufacture curved bulge on the turret's left side, to accommodate the commander's cupola. Fifty early turrets were mounted to Henschel's hull and used in action. The more common "production" turret, sometimes called the "Henschel" turret, was simplified with a flat face, no shot trap (created by the curved face of the initial-type turret), less-steeply sloped sides, and no bulge for the commander's cupola.
The track system used on the Tiger II chassis was a unique one, which used alternating "contact shoe" and "connector" links—the contact shoe link had a pair of transverse metal bars that contacted the ground, while the connector links had no contact with the ground.
The Tiger II was developed late in the war and made in relatively small numbers. Like all German tanks, it had a gasoline engine. However, this same engine powered the much lighter Panther and Tiger I tanks. The Tiger II was under-powered, like many other heavy tanks of World War II, and consumed a lot of fuel which was already in short supply.
- 1850 parts
- Optional Henschel Turret & Porsche Turret
- Full interior details
- Interior hull is divided into four compartments, driving, fighting, engine and transmission. The fighting compartment is situated in the middle part of the tank inside the turret.
- Accurately designed transmission and steering brake.
- Correctly detailed numerous flexible rubber engine cooling duct.
- A 88mm gun designed specifically for Porsche turret.
- A 88mm gun designed specifically for Henschel's turret.
- Completely gun cradle for 88mm KwK43 L/71.
- Separated curved gun mantlet w/ extreme detail.
- larger style muzzles provided .
- The main gun could be auto-reset by the metal spring.
- 2x Multi-slide-molded 7.92mm MG w/declicate detail.
- Slide molded one piece upper turret accurately shaped for ease assembly.
- Upper turret inner side walls in extreme detail w/separate parts .
- Cupola hatch can be assembled open/closed.
- Loader's hatch can be assembled open/closed with interior metal tube/ actuating rod.
- Rear turret hatch with cover can be modeled open/ closed.
- Three different type 88mm ammunitions w/photo-etched parts for bottom detail, total of 72 rounds stored along the hull sides and a fraction of stored in the rear of the turret.
- The turret could be traversed 360 degrees.
- Two-directional slide-moulded hull bottom with suspension assembly holes on both sides
- Hull inner side walls in extreme detail w/separate parts .
- Slide-moulded swing arms with torsion bars assembly holes.
- Torsion bars and suspension armored covers come as separate parts.
- Late type side fenders w/pattern detail on both top and bottom surface.
- Exhaust pipe w/photo-etched parts for great detail.
- Metal towing cables.
- Slide-molded towing eye brackets in extreme detail w/separate parts.
- Suspension is made up of nine sets of overlapping 800mm road wheels per side.
- drive sprocket wheel in Late type with authentic detail.
- Idler wheel exhibit maximum detail w/separate armored covers.
- Wider 800mm combat tracks, 105 links toothed track and 105 links flat track, including the spare tracks, they can be joined by 400 shafts, and accurately lined up and saged the result of link's weight. Of course are the workable track links, and the material is ABS plastic in burnt iron color, Intricate tank tracks come pre-assembled.
- Photo-eteched engine deck grills and engine grills.