Roden Aircraft 1/48 DeHailland DH4 US Army BiPlane Fighter Kit
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ROD-414After extensive use of the Liberty DH-4 in the main air battles of the second half of 1917 the U.S. armed forces began a gradual upgrading in favor of French two-seaters. In the middle of 1918 the Liberty DH-4 was used less and less and machines were transferred to reconnaissance units as well as to newly formed aviation units of the U.S. Navy. While there was growing aversion among the American pilots in Europe towards the "Flaming Coffins", designers in the U.S. tried to solve the problems with the fuel system. Out of this came the DH-4B this version having a changed fuel tank location and an improved engine fuel system. However, it was not sent to the war in Europe. With the end of WWI, in America as well as in Europe, a spirit of pacifism began to prevail, and Congress did not allocate any funds for new developments. A large number of Liberty DH-4's which were returned from Europe to the U.S. were rebuilt as DH-4B's, and the aircraft continued to be used by the U.S. Army into the 1920's. Many DH-4's fell into private ownership. Apart from barnstorming in the "air circuses", they were destined to play one more very important role: the DH-4 began to be used as a mailplane and a light transport. In the vast geographical area of the country it was a highly important innovation, instrumental in the development of commercial aviation in the future.