Heller Ships 1/60 Cotre Kurun Single Masted Sailing Yacht Kit
This Product Usually Ships In 2-3 Business Days
HLR-80614The Kurun is the fulfillment of a sea-lover’s dream; Jacques-Yves le Tourmelin had vowed right from a very young age to sail around the world alone. The naval architect Dervin prepared the drawings. The lines and- details of this Norwegian-type cutter were meticulously worked out, so that it could operate in all seas and in all weather. The construction work, which started on September 9, 1946, was heavy going, as raw materials were hard to get after the war. It was launched on February 26, 1948. It had its first outing, with masts and rigging, on June 13 of the same year. It cast off for its great adventure at 16.00 hours on September 19. On July 7, 1952, after 45 months at sea, the Kurun returned to the port of Le Croisic, bearing the scars of its The broad, robust shape of the Kurun hull is suggestive of its power and resistance to the waves. With fully laid decks, access to the top is gained through a sliding hatch on the roof. Because of this, the aft deck is clear, so that a small dinghy 5 ft. 10 in long can be stowed on it. On this aft deck there is a bridge deck for the helmsman, who thus has an excellent view. As well as its mainsail, the boat has a gaff-topsail, a storm jib and a main jib. The rather short mast is held solidly in place by four shrouds on each side. To the fore there are two jib-stays and one prop. The stern has no counter, which would be too frail to withstand the force of the sea, and tails off like a whaler; the rudder therefore does not have to cross over a trunk hole, and is fixed entirely on the outside, along the stern-post. The width of the hull made it possible to install comfortable berthing - essential when months on end have to be spent on board.
- Parts for 1 model
- 1 decal sheet
- Instructions