Panzer Tracts No.1-1 PzKpfw I Kleintraktor to Ausf B
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PZT-11Covers the development of the tank from the original open-topped trials and driver training machines and even includes plans and photos of the small batch of makeshift tanks built for manoeuvres. The amount of material presented here is far more than most would expect and includes plans, detail drawings and photos, yet this section only accounts for around the first one-third of the book while the main part covers the two initial production Panzer I tanks.
There is far more information than a vehicle enthusiast or modeler could hope for and maybe make use of. These tanks are shown not only outside using photos and 1:24th scale plans but also inside in incredible detail using original photos from the user manuals. Original drawings show the location of main and minor components as well as tool and equipment stowage, while detail close-up photos show suspension and tracks. There are sets of four-view plans for four variations on the Ausf. A and three Ausf. B build standards while additional detail drawings, photos and text show developments, changes in production and improvements made to tanks once they were in service. Interiors are also shown in detail, with original photos captioned to show what went where although one appears twice by accident and is included in Part 1-2 as a correction.