Revell Germany Aircraft 1/72 DC4 Balair Commercial Airliner Kit
RVL-4947DC-4 aircraft were actually a rarity, with less than one hundred built. Far more common was the military version C-54. These served in WWII and, after the end of hostilities, many were sent back into civilian service. Balair-a pilot training group and commercial airline purchased two DC-4s in 1959 and used them for charter flights. Although Balair (now Belair) long ago switched to jets, two are still used by an airline based out of Johannesburg and many more are in use in Canada by Buffalo Airways.
- Highly detailed plastic pieces
- Detailed cockpit
- Radio operators compartment with consoles
- Choice of cargo or passenger door
- Interior seats
- Separate take-off and landing flaps
- Sidewall details on the internal fuselage walls
- Detailed nose wheel
- Separate ailerons
- Detailed main undercarriage, 3 different wheel rims
- Rotatable propellers
- Detailed twin radial engines
- Waterslide decals
- Illustrated instructions